Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Poem by Student

 Definitions of Poetry Poem

Poetry is driving before the sun sets with just enough light to see the road when the sky is warm and life feels calm

Poetry is making somebody laugh over a silly remark and capturing the moment like a photograph in your mind

Poetry is taking an elevator up to the rooftop with a champagne glass in hand ready to see the view

Poetry is getting a drink spilled on your favorite shirt by a guy you wouldn't mind getting to know

Poetry is hugging your parents feeling the weight fall off your shoulders because you know you are home

Poetry is the warm taste of your hot chocolate during the first snowfall of winter

Poetry is celebrating in silence watching a father dancing with the bride in the center of a ballroom

Poetry is being able to turn off the alarm and get the extra sleep you've been longing for

Poetry is a pat on the back from the coach who never gives praise

Poetry is a rainbow that still leaves people in awe like it’s the first one they have ever seen

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