Week 13 (November 29…)
· Exam readings distributed to students for upcoming week 14 “first try” exam.
Week 14 (December 6…)
· Administration of “first try” exams.
· Grading sessions:
o Full-time faculty: Tuesday, December 7, 1 pm, B224, B223.
o Part-time faculty: Thursday, December 9, 4:30 pm, E450; Saturday, or December 11, 9:30 am, E450. (Stipend paid for participation in these sessions.)
Week 15 (December 13…)
· Administration of “second try” exams to students who did not pass first time around.
“Last Chance Exam” (for day students who missed one of the previous opportunities to take the exam): Tuesday, December 21, 12-2 pm. (Students do not need to have the reading ahead of time for this session.)
Summary of Exit Exam Process for ENG095 and ENG111/FALL 2010
Week 13 (November 29-December 5)
Readings distributed to students in anticipation of week 14 exam. Students may annotate the reading. They may bring in the annotated reading to the exam. However, they may not bring in additional notes or outlines or other types of prewriting. Further, the instructor doesn’t “prep” the reading with students.
Week 14 (December 6-12)
First administration of the exam. Students write the exams in class. They may not receive additional help. They may consult a dictionary. Students may use scratch paper to do prewriting and plan and draft. Instructor should oversee the collection of all of this material at the end of the session. Past experience has shown that a standard seventy-five minute period is sufficient for most students to write an exam. However, some students do struggle at the end, particularly those students who come to English as a second language. At the instructor’s discretion students may receive some additional time to complete their exam. The only stipulation is that the students must be monitored by the instructor. Instructors should also be mindful of classes that may be scheduled to meet during the next period.
Grading sessions. Full-time day faculty are scheduled to meet during the Tuesday 1 p.m. activity hour. Part-time faculty will meet either Thursday, December 9, 4:30 p.m. (E450) or Saturday morning, December 11, at 9:30 a.m. (E450). (A stipend is paid for the Thursday evening and Saturday morning sessions.) See below for additional information about grading procedures for ENG095 and ENG111.
Notifying students of the results. If a class meets twice per week, instructors can use the second session to go over exams with students who need to re-take the exam. [Note: students may see exams, but the instructor retains the exams.] The instructor can then give the week 15 reading to students who need to re-take. Evening, weekend and Friday classes present a special problem as they meet only once per week. How best to notify students? How best to distribute the reading to those students who need to re-take the exam? Some instructors call or e-mail students, particularly those students who need to re-take. Students are then able to come to the week 15 class ready to go over the exam and then re-take. Some instructors also distribute the week 15 reading ahead of time to all students. If a student is then notified of the need to re-take the exam, the student already has the reading to work on.
Week 15 (December 13-19)
The process is repeated during week 15, the last regular week of classes, for those students who did not pass the exam the first time around, or for those students who missed the first administration.
Week 16 – Final Exam week
“LAST CHANCE” FINAL FOR DAY STUDENTS: Tuesday, December 21, 12-2 p.m., rooms tba. This is an opportunity for day students who missed one of the earlier sessions. Students do not need to receive a reading ahead of time. A shorter reading appropriate for a two hour exam sitting will be provided at the time of the exam. Instructors who refer students to this session should be prepared to help with proctoring and grading.
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