Minor Characters by Joyce Johnson (973)
Question: " If you were an artist, painter or poet why would the Lower East Side of N.Y. in the 1950's be the perfect place for you to hang your hat?"
Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. In this context, Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabond. Make an argument that Joyce Johnson and her friends are Bohemians.
Was Johnson an authority?
What was she trying to get across to the reader?
Does she make her point?
How does the writer get your interest?
What is the belief system of the author?
" The Beat Generation"
Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg
What is a " Bohemian?"
Why did they have no use for money?
Why was the Cedar Bar important?
The Five Spot Billie Holiday
Assignment for next class
Joan Didion " Goodbye to all that" 250 word focus paper on it.
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