Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Concept Paper Outline

  There are three qualities that are essential for a good quarterback back in football.  These include a strategic mind,  a strong bond with fellow teammates, and the ability to spot holes in the defense.

Paragraph 1:   A strategic mind is essential for a quarterback. According to John Myers in his book QuarterBacks  this coach for the New England Patriots states, " A quarterback must have a quick and agile mind." (111)

Paragraph 2:  The ability to relate to  ones' teammates is a must for  a quarterback. According to Tom Brady in his book Tom Brady Tells All,  "....................." ( 213)

Paragraph 3:    Spotting holes in the defense is an important ability that quarterbacks must display ,in order for a team to perform well.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the quarter back must have a quick and agile mind, etc....