Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Sample Essay Black Elk

In the article, " Black Elk Speaks: The Offering of the Pipe," Black Elk, a Native American chief, is the polar opposite of our Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump. Unlike Trump, Black Elk has a pervasive sense of modesty and humility.

Donald Trump always touts his accomplishments and rarely admits his mistakes. Elk offers an antidote to this with this statement that deals with his life, " I have made much meat in my time...So have others and have done better than I." (1).

Elk unlike Trump admits that he can be weak just like any man or woman. Here he speaks to God, "This is my prayer, hear me! The voice I have sent is weak..." (6).

In conclusion, Black Elk is a leader who can admit his faults, his failures, his weakness, and admit that he is human like the rest of us. Sadly, Donald Trump lacks these qualities.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Essay Example

In the essay  "___________" by_______  Thesis Statement

Body Paragraph. 
 Topic Sentence -- Relates back to thesis.
Quotes and examples to back up your thesis.

Body Paragraph

Sum up your conclusion.

Mothers dishing


Prompt Three: Enemy Relationships as Children

Prompt Three: Enemy Relationships as Children

Write about your characters as children responding to a bitter enemy.
Enemies look very different from childhood to adulthood, but that makes them no less serious. Kids have very distinct ideas about bad people. Those may be serious bullies, or terrible schoolmates, or even someone in their home. This is the person who would, your character knew, leave them to drown in an accident.
The way your character dealt with enemies in their youth has a lot to do with how they deal with them as adults because it involves assumptions about other people’s thoughts and emotions.
It also involves how your characters prepare to defend themselves, emotionally and physically, which is a whole other kettle of fish. “They always___” what? What does your character assume?